Meet The Siblings

A few weeks ago I visited my former colleague and dear friend Carola. Many years ago we worked together with teenagers on a cool musical productions and became friends ever since. A few years ago she announced that, together with her two kids and husband, she was moving to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Although many would think twice before relocating across the Atlantic, this family was more than excited and started an adventure to the land of eternal sunshine. I knew that their kids, Max and Julie, were raised bilingual with both German (Carola’s mother language) and Dutch. Moving to Brazil added another language (and of course cultural experience) to their lives. I was curious how this affected these youngsters and when I heard that their expat adventure came to an end I was of course eager to see them again.

Dishtales - Meet The Siblings-13

As she told me that she learned to cook a bunch of Brazilian dishes, a Dishtales shoot was bound to happen. However, instead of discovering Brazilian cuisine, Carola asked if the kids could bake some delicious, healthy & even lactose-free Spelt Pancakes. It’s been a while since I featured kids on the blog and honestly who would say no to these adorable siblings?! The result was a fantastic afternoon and although you’d think it’s challenging to do a photo-shoot with children, this was the easiest shoot I’ve done so far! So without further ado I present to you the fabulous siblings and their Spelt Pancakes: Meet Max and Julie!

P.S. Obviously we didn’t let them blend, cut & fire up in the kitchen guys! 🙂 Some smart angles and Photoshop can do wonders! 😉

Meet The Siblings' Spelt Pancakes


  • for 30 small or 12 large pancakes
  • 1l lactose-free milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 450 gr spelt flour
  • 80 gr fine vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • butter (for baking)
  • oh and don't forget your favorite toppings! 🙂


  1. Beat the eggs
  2. Toss the eggs and flour into a blender
  3. Add milk and vanilla sugar
  4. Go ahead and blend on (first low for 30 sec and then) high speed for about 30 sec
  5. Check your mixture and add more flour in case it seems too liquid. You'd wanna go for a still liquid, yet slightly denser know, like a pancake mixture 😉
  6. Butter that pan on low-medium heat and scoop away!

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